The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game (LG) is a challenging—and fun—assessment, designed not only as a team-building experience, but an activity that will raise your team’s awareness, leadership, and communication through facilitation by a John Maxwell-certified speaker, trainer, and coach. In 2-3 hours, the LG will take participants through thought-provoking questions and discussions that will uncover areas of strengths and areas in need of improvement. It will also reveal the level of buy-in and values team members possess. Its ability to allow everyone to connect and be transparent in a relaxed atmosphere is a strong bonus. Participants are given the opportunity to build up and be built up by one another.
Furthermore, the LG will provide an opportunity for team members to communicate their perspectives about a variety of issues, learn how coworkers and managers view them, articulate how they view those with whom they work, and more. The LG will also provide the facilitator with an understanding of how to best proceed in providing the team with quality professional development if desired.
Included with the LG are a written report of LG observations approximately a week after the session, a personal debrief of that report with management, and recommended next steps.
Here are some photos of Leadership Game sessions I have facilitated: